CISCO Soccer Club is located in the Greater Metro Phoenix Area.
Congratulations to coaches Roberto Beall, David Ludwig and the CISCO ’91 Boys (Dragons) Black team for winning the the Arizona State Championship. A fantastic achievement for a truly remarkable group. Best of luck at the Region IV Championships!”

Congratulations to the CISCO Toros ’90 Boys for winning the 2009 AYSA
U-19 State Cup Championship! The 2008 Far West Region IV Champions and National 3rd Place finisher, will travel to Lancaster, CA in search of a repeat performance at the regional competition. CISCO has tremendous pride in coach Omid Aziminejad and his assistants pictured, Roberto Beall, David Ludwig, and Shlomi Ozalvo, and in particular the long legacy these boys have blessed us with over the years. Congratulations again boys, and thank you all.

Recreational Soccer
Please contact Director of Recreation Scott Arsenault at 623-570-1773 or via email at scott.arsenault@live.com if you are interested in playing recreational soccer.

CISCO SC would like to congratulate Jon Pearman, Adrian Saldana, Mike D’Arrigo and Colin Anderson, who recently were selected to play for Real Salt Lake in the prestigious U-18 World Club Cup in Madrid, Spain. Some of the teams in this international tournament included: Barcelona, Real Madrid, Boca Juniors, Partizan, CA Penarol, Werder Bremen and Sao Paulo FC, just to name a few. The team had a fine showing in large part due to the efforts of the aforementioned players. Pearman, Saldana, D’Arrigo and Anderson are members of the CISCO ’91 Black (Dragons) team that won the Arizona State Championship and will be competing in the US Regional Championships in Lancaster, CA. beginning June 15th. Well done, lads! The entire club is proud of you!

CISCO Soccer is proud to anounce that we will be working with David Garcia in Tucson to form a CISCO Tucson branch. This will be the first time that a major club from the valley has had direct ties to Tucson. Dave has put together several teams from the Tucson area and several quality Coaches. Teams and Coaches will be listed on the web site and Officially announced in the near future. CISCO Soccer welcomes Dave Garcia and his families.

Click here to find out when tryouts for next year are. For further information, please contact CISCO Director of Coaching Roberto Beall at 623-810-4720 or kingrex10@gmail.com or Steve Kemp, Registrar, at registrar@ciscosoccer.com.

Indoor Champs!

Congratulations to Coach Shlomi Ozalvo and the CISCO ’97 Girls Black Team
for winning the summer indoor championship. Great job ladies! CISCO SC is proud of you!
CISCO shows well at the 2009 President's Day Tournament!
The CISCO Soccer Club had 3 teams make it to the Quarter Finals in this most prestigious and selective tournament in Arizona. The CISCO Toros ’90 Boys, the CISCO Black ’91 Boys and the CISCO Black ’92 Boys all had a great weekend. The ’91’s lost a close match at the end in the semi-finals, having tied earlier the eventual champion New Mexico Red Star team. But the ’92 Boys really made the grade taking the San Juan Sporting team to penalty kicks in the championship. Unfortunately the “coin toss” went the other way and the CISCO Black ’92 Boys accepted the Finalist medals with pride having not lost a game all weekend.

Congratulations to Coaches Dominick Bussanich, Omid Aziminejad, Christine Bussanich
and to all the ’92 Boys. Job well done!
CCV "Shoot For The Stars" Tournament

Congratulations to Coaches Roberto Beall and Dan Mies and the CISCO SC ’97 Boys Black for winning
the CCV “Shoot For The Stars” Tournament Championship. Well done!

Congratulations to Coach Joe Gangemi and the CISCO SC ’98 Boys Red for winning
the CCV “Shoot For the Stars” Tournament Championship. Great job!

Congratulations to coaches Steve Petty, Mate Kozul and the CISCO ’94 Girls Black on winning the
Tempe Thanksgiving Tournament Championship. Great job ladies!

Congratulations to the CISCO Black ’92 Boys for winning the TSA Tournament. Coaches Dominick Bussanich, Omid Aziminejad and Christine Bussanich are particularly proud of the 4-1 Championship win over TSA’s own top ’92 Red team. Great job boys. We’re very proud of you all! Keep up the good work.

Congratulations to coaches Steve Petty, Mate Kozul and the CISCO-Inferno ’94 Girls Black for winning the Pinnacle Classic Championship. The girls are off to a great start! Well done!

Congratulations to coach Roberto Beall, assistants David Ludwig, Paul Mohammed and the CISCO Boys ’91 Black, who won the prestigious NHB Cup Championship in Irvine, CA. The ’91 Boys competed in the U-19 Division and won their bracket outright, defeating two difficult opponents in the quarter-final and semi-final, and won the Championship in a dramatic penalty shootout. Great job!
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